I'm pretty sure that i know how to do this, but is something like:

(-6)-(+2)= -8

I'm not sure and i'm trying to study right now... please help me!

yes, that is it.

distrivute the negative to the 2 so u get



please can you tell me about more maths

how do u do intergers please show examples


i need help on my homework

x-15=-2 what is x -13 or17

To solve the expression (-6) - (+2), start by simplifying the addition or subtraction of positive and negative numbers.

In this case, (-6) - (+2) can be rewritten without the plus sign as (-6) - 2.

To subtract a number from another number, change the sign of the number being subtracted and then add it. Therefore, you have (-6) + (-2).

To add negative numbers, add their absolute values and retain the negative sign. In this case, the absolute value of -6 is 6 and the absolute value of -2 is 2.

So, (-6) + (-2) equals -8.

Remember, when you subtract a positive number, you can simply remove the plus sign and proceed with the subtraction. Adding a negative number is the same as subtracting, so you change the sign and perform addition.

Practice these steps with various examples to gain confidence and proficiency in solving similar expressions.