Suppose I have developed a system for removing carbon dioxide, from the emissions of combustion process. But this process is expensive so that it would not be instantly adopted by all countries. I have to choose a country to start up this business.

can you guys give me some suggestions on the types of data that I should collect for choosing that country.

Countries that are prosperous, which generate a lot of CO2 per capita (by virtue of having a lot of fossil fuel power generation), and which have signed the Kyoto accord would be the best candidates. Germany would be one such country. China has a very serious problem with coal-burning power plants and might be willing to undertake pilot programs also.

When deciding on a country to start up your business of removing carbon dioxide from the emissions of combustion processes, it's essential to gather relevant data that can help you make an informed decision. Here are some types of data you should consider:

1. Emission Regulations: Look into the country's existing emission regulations and policies. Focus on countries that have strict emission standards, as they are more likely to prioritize carbon dioxide removal technologies.

2. Market Potential: Analyze the size and growth of the energy and combustion industries in different countries. Look for countries with significant energy consumption and high carbon emissions, indicating a potentially large market for your technology.

3. Carbon Pricing: Investigate whether the country has implemented carbon pricing mechanisms such as carbon taxes or cap-and-trade systems. These incentivize companies to reduce emissions, making it more attractive to operate in those countries.

4. Government Support: Research the government's commitment to combatting climate change and promoting clean technologies. Look for countries that offer financial incentives, grants, or subsidies for companies engaged in carbon capture and storage projects.

5. Technology Adoption: Consider the country's willingness to adopt new technologies and their level of technological advancement. Look into their previous track record for adopting innovative solutions in the clean energy sector.

6. Economic Factors: Examine the country's economic stability, investment climate, and access to capital. A stable economy and favorable business environment can make it easier to establish and scale up your business.

7. Infrastructure: Assess the country's existing infrastructure, including power generation, transportation, and storage facilities. A country with a well-developed infrastructure can lower the costs and challenges associated with operating your business.

8. International Commitments: Investigate whether the country has ratified international agreements like the Paris Agreement and what climate goals it has set. A country committed to mitigating climate change is more likely to embrace carbon dioxide removal technologies.

Remember to thoroughly analyze and compare the data from each country to determine the most suitable location for your business.