When handwriting the name of a play, should it be underlined or in quotes?

Three act plays, like novels, are underlined. One act plays, like short stories, are in quotation marks.

Thank you!:)

When handwriting the name of a play, it is common to use italics or underlining to indicate the title. Quotation marks should be reserved for shorter works, such as a specific scene or a short play within a larger collection. So, for a play’s title, you have two options: underlining or using italics. Here's how you can determine which one to use:

1. Underlining: If you are typing or writing by hand and don't have the option to use italics, you can underline the title of the play. This practice comes from the time of typewriters when underlining was used to indicate italics. However, with the convenience of modern word processors and digital platforms, using italics is more common.

2. Italics: Using italics is the preferred way to indicate the title of a play in modern writing. It provides clear visual emphasis and is easily distinguishable. If you are typing or using a word processor, you can simply highlight the play's title and apply the "italic" formatting style.

So, to summarize, in modern writing, it is recommended to use italics to format the title of a play. However, if you are handwriting it and don't have access to italics, underlining is an acceptable alternative.