square root of 7 squared + 3...how in the world do i do that if its not a perfect square?

Wouldnt the square root of 7 SQUARED be 7...... plus 3 = 10

square root of 7 squared is 7!!!!

i kno wat ur saying but i need it in more detail...

Yes. sqrt 72 = 7 because

72/2 = 71 = 7

The square root and the 7^2 cancel each other out so all you get is 7 + 3=10

same for every other number as well

ex sqrt(2^2)= 2

hope this helps=)

To find the square root of an expression like (7 squared + 3), you can follow these steps:

1. Evaluate the expression inside the square root: 7 squared + 3 = 49 + 3 = 52.
2. Take the square root of the resulting number: √52.

Since 52 is not a perfect square, the square root will be an irrational number (a number that cannot be expressed as a simple fraction). We can use approximation methods, such as a calculator or a numerical method like Newton's method, to find an estimate of the square root.

Using a calculator, we can simply input √52 and get an approximate value of 7.211.

So, the square root of 7 squared + 3 is approximately 7.211.