What are some examples of intangible forms of organizational culture?

greed. community spirit. pride. competitive attitude.

Some examples of intangible forms of organizational culture include:

1. Values and beliefs: These are the principles and ethics that guide the actions and decisions of individuals within the organization. They shape the organizational culture by influencing how people behave and interact with each other.

2. Attitudes and behaviors: The attitudes and behaviors of employees can shape the culture of an organization. For example, if employees consistently demonstrate a positive and supportive attitude, it can foster a culture of cooperation and teamwork.

3. Communication style: The way people communicate within an organization can significantly impact its culture. Open and honest communication promotes transparency and trust, while closed and secretive communication can create a culture of suspicion.

4. Leadership style: The leadership style of top executives and managers can strongly influence the organizational culture. For instance, if leaders exhibit autocratic behavior, it may create a culture of hierarchy and compliance, whereas empowering and inclusive leadership can foster a culture of innovation and collaboration.

5. Norms and traditions: The unwritten rules and traditions within an organization can shape its culture. These can include rituals, ceremonies, and shared customs that promote a sense of identity and belonging.

To identify intangible forms of organizational culture, it is essential to observe employee behavior, communication patterns, and leadership practices. Additionally, conducting surveys or interviews with employees can provide insights into the values, attitudes, and beliefs that form the organizational culture.