What are at least two effects that organized religion has had on society and give examples?

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To answer this question, we can explore two effects that organized religion has had on society: social cohesion and moral guidance. Here's how you can find examples to support these effects:

1. Social cohesion: Organized religion often brings people together, promoting a sense of community and unity among its followers. To find examples, you can:

- Look for historical events where organized religion played a role in unifying societies. For instance, you can explore how the Catholic Church served as a unifying force during the Middle Ages, helping to establish a sense of solidarity among European societies.
- Research modern-day examples where religious communities come together to support one another during times of crisis or celebrate religious festivals. For example, you can investigate how religious groups organize food drives, shelters, or charity events that foster a sense of togetherness and solidarity within their communities.

2. Moral guidance: Organized religion often provides moral codes and ethical frameworks that guide the behavior and decision-making of its adherents. To find examples, you can:

- Study the role of religious teachings in shaping laws and societal norms. For instance, look into how religious principles influenced the development of legal systems or moral values in different societies throughout history.
- Examine how religious institutions promote adherence to moral principles and influence ethical debates in contemporary society. For example, explore how religious organizations advocate for or against certain social issues (such as abortion or LGBTQ+ rights) based on their moral teachings.

By conducting further research on these topics, you can find specific examples and evidence to support the effects of organized religion on society.