what scenes from othello would any of you recomend for my school movioe?

I think that Act 3, Scene 3 would be a fun one to do.


If you're looking for a scene from Othello to include in your school movie, Act 3, Scene 3 is definitely a great choice. This scene is often referred to as the "Temptation Scene" and it is full of dramatic tension and emotional dynamics.

To find the scene in the play, you can use online resources like SparkNotes. The link you provided leads to the summary and analysis of Act 3, Scene 3 of Othello on SparkNotes. This particular webpage provides an overview of the scene, including a summary of the events and important quotes.

To further explore the scene for your movie, you can read the entire Act 3, Scene 3 in the original play. You can find the complete text of Othello online, either on websites dedicated to Shakespeare or through digital libraries.

By reading the scene and understanding its context, you will be able to grasp the dynamics between the characters and make informed decisions when adapting it for your school movie. Remember to consider the dialogue, stage directions, and the emotions portrayed by the characters to create an engaging and authentic portrayal.