I have to write a 1000 word essay on how I am going to be effective, today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life. What are some qualities and stuff to be effective?

Think about -- honesty, hard work, common sense, values, intelligence, knowledge, love, tolerance, cooperation, independence, creativity.

What is culture? How does it affect a society?

diddo with Ms.Sue...think that..Im doing an essay to...only on a totally different subject....:/

To write a 1000-word essay on being effective, you can start by brainstorming the qualities and habits that contribute to effectiveness in various areas of life. Here are some qualities you can consider:

1. Honesty: Being truthful and trustworthy in your interactions with others helps build strong relationships and fosters effective communication.
2. Hard work: Putting in the effort and dedication to achieve your goals is essential for being effective in any endeavor.
3. Common sense: Making sound judgments and decisions based on logic and practicality allows you to navigate challenges effectively.
4. Values: Having a clear set of values helps guide your actions and decision-making, ensuring they align with your personal principles.
5. Intelligence: Possessing the ability to think critically, solve problems, and learn from experiences enhances effectiveness in various aspects of life.
6. Knowledge: Continuously expanding your knowledge and staying informed about relevant topics provides a foundation for being effective in your chosen field.
7. Love: Demonstrating care and kindness towards others fosters healthy relationships and improves effectiveness in interpersonal interactions.
8. Tolerance: Being open-minded and accepting of differing viewpoints promotes collaboration and effective teamwork.
9. Cooperation: Working collaboratively with others and valuing their perspectives leads to more effective outcomes.
10. Independence: Demonstrating the ability to take initiative and work autonomously can contribute to personal effectiveness and accomplishment.
11. Creativity: Being able to think outside the box and generate innovative ideas can lead to effective problem-solving and decision-making.

To write your essay, you can elaborate on each of these qualities and explain how you plan to demonstrate them today, tomorrow, and throughout your life to be effective in various areas, such as personal relationships, academics, career, and personal growth.

As for the second question about culture and its impact on society, culture refers to the shared beliefs, customs, values, and behaviors of a particular group. It encompasses things like language, traditions, art, music, and social norms that are passed down from one generation to another.

Culture has a pervasive influence on society in several ways:

1. Identity and belonging: Culture helps individuals develop a sense of identity and belonging to a particular group or community. It shapes their self-perception and how they relate to others within their society.
2. Social norms and behavior: Culture sets the standards for acceptable behavior within a society. It defines social norms, etiquette, and moral values that guide individuals' actions and interactions.
3. Communication and language: Culture influences the way people communicate, including the language they speak, nonverbal cues, and various forms of expression. It helps foster understanding and facilitate effective communication among community members.
4. Traditions and practices: Cultural traditions, rituals, celebrations, and customs provide a sense of continuity and cohesion within a society. They contribute to the cultural heritage and shape the daily lives of individuals.
5. Worldviews and perspectives: Culture shapes people's perspectives, beliefs, and values, influencing how they perceive the world and make sense of their experiences. It influences their attitudes towards various aspects of life, including religion, politics, and social issues.
6. Social cohesion and harmony: Cultural practices often promote social cohesion by creating shared experiences and fostering a sense of unity among community members. This can contribute to a harmonious and cohesive society.
7. Diversity and multiculturalism: Different cultures coexist within societies, leading to diversity. Embracing cultural diversity enhances societal richness, broadens perspectives, and encourages mutual respect and tolerance.

When writing your essay on a different subject, make sure to research and gather relevant information about the topic. Utilize reliable sources, such as books, scholarly articles, and reputable websites. Organize your thoughts and ideas in a structured manner, presenting arguments and supporting evidence to strengthen your discussion. Don't forget to proofread and edit your essay to ensure clarity and coherence.