plz hep can you please tell me toms contractial rights

Tom, a new director has found he has not been re-imbursed for expenses he incurred when he went on a familiarisation trip to various company premises.

Did he have a contract to be re-imbursed, either verbal or written? What is the company's written policies?

Was he directed to go? Or was it his idea?

To determine Tom's contractual rights regarding reimbursement for expenses, we need to consider several factors:

1. Contractual Agreement: Check if Tom had a written contract or verbal agreement that outlined his entitlement to reimbursement. If there is a written contract, review the terms and conditions to see if it includes provisions for expense reimbursement. If it was a verbal agreement, any evidence or witnesses confirming the agreement would be helpful.

2. Company's Written Policies: Examine the company's written policies or employee handbook to determine if there are specific guidelines regarding expense reimbursement for directors. Look for any language related to travel expenses, reimbursement procedures, and any restrictions or requirements.

3. Purpose of the Trip: Understand if Tom was directed by the company to go on the familiarization trip or if it was his own initiative. If the company specifically instructed or authorized him to undertake the trip, it strengthens his case for reimbursement. However, if it was his own idea, it may be necessary to determine if the company had a policy for reimbursing such expenses.

To obtain more accurate and specific information about Tom's contractual rights, it is recommended to consult an employment attorney or review legal documents related to his employment, contracts, and company policies. They will be able to provide a more comprehensive analysis based on the specifics of the situation.