I have to make a buisness. For example If i have open up Video game store just like gamestop. What can i put in my essay.

Others may have additional ideas for you, but it sounds to me as if you need to write up a business plan, and then maybe write an essay based on the process and the plan.

To get you started...


To write an essay on opening up a video game store, such as GameStop, you should include the following key points:

1. Introduction:
a. Begin by introducing your business idea and why you have chosen to open a video game store.
b. Explain your passion for video games and your desire to provide a unique gaming experience to customers.

2. Market Analysis:
a. Conduct thorough market research to understand the demand for video games in your target area.
b. Analyze the current competition and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
c. Determine your target demographic, such as gamers of different ages and interests.

3. Business Plan:
a. Develop a detailed business plan outlining your store's objectives, mission, and vision.
b. Include a description of the store's location, layout, and the types of video games you will offer.
c. Outline your pricing strategy, including competitive pricing or offering unique services.

4. Marketing and Promotion:
a. Explain how you plan to market your business to attract customers, such as through online platforms, social media, and local advertising.
b. Describe any partnerships or collaborations you may pursue with gaming influencers, local events, or gaming tournaments.
c. Outline your plan to provide exceptional customer service and build long-term relationships with gamers.

5. Operations and Management:
a. Detail the day-to-day operations of your store, including staff requirements, inventory management, and supplier relationships.
b. Outline your plan for maintaining and updating gaming consoles, accessories, and the overall store environment.
c. Discuss any additional services you may offer, such as console repairs or game rental programs.

6. Financial Plan:
a. Provide a financial projection, including estimated start-up costs, revenue forecast, and desired profit margins.
b. Explain how you plan to finance your business, whether through personal savings, loans, or investors.
c. Discuss your strategy for managing cash flow, tracking expenses, and ensuring long-term sustainability.

Remember, this is just a starting point for your essay. You can expand on each point and incorporate your own unique ideas and perspectives to make the essay more engaging and insightful. Good luck with your essay and your future video game store!