Solve and graph(using words)the inequalities.Then describe the graphs using words.

Example:x>5andx<9.[There would be an open circle on the 5 and an open circle on the 9.The shading is between the 2numbers.
My Problem:
-6<x+3<6(Remember,this is an "and" statement)

subtract three from all..

-9 < x < 3

open cricles -9, and three.
x lies between those

To solve the inequality -6 < x + 3 < 6, we need to isolate x by subtracting 3 from all three parts of the inequality:

-6 - 3 < x + 3 - 3 < 6 - 3
-9 < x < 3

Now, let's graph the solution on a number line. Place open circles on -9 and 3 since they are not included in the solution. Then, shade the region between -9 and 3, indicating that x lies within that range.

The graph would have an open circle at -9 and an open circle at 3. The shading would be between these two numbers, indicating that x lies between -9 and 3.