which numbers are four units from -1?

It may help to look at a number line like the following (as an example):

<--- -5 --- -4 --- -3 --- -2 --- -1 --- 0 --- 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4 --- 5 --->

Can you determine which numbers (both negative and positive) could be 4 units from -1 ?

I'm not sure if this is what you were asking, but I hope this helps.

To determine which numbers are four units from -1, you can use the number line provided as an example.

Starting from -1 on the number line, you can count four units either to the left (negative direction) or to the right (positive direction).

Counting four units to the left of -1 would give you the number -5, while counting four units to the right of -1 would give you the number 3.

So, the numbers that are four units from -1 are -5 and 3, both negative and positive respectively.