I need a thesis that encompasis this essay "Is this the promised end?" By Joyce Carol Oates. You can google it.

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To come up with a thesis statement for the essay "Is this the promised end?" by Joyce Carol Oates, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the essay: Start by thoroughly reading the essay "Is this the promised end?" by Joyce Carol Oates. Take notes on the main ideas, themes, arguments, and any significant points made by the author.

2. Identify the main question or issue: Determine the main question or issue that Oates is exploring in her essay. This may be evident from the title itself or from the content of the essay.

3. Analyze the author's viewpoint: Consider Joyce Carol Oates' stance or perspective on the topic. Look for any specific claims, beliefs, or opinions expressed by the author.

4. Develop a clear thesis statement: Based on your understanding of the essay and the author's viewpoint, craft a clear and concise thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument or message of the essay. Your thesis statement should assert a claim or position that you will support in your essay.

Remember, it is crucial to create an original thesis statement that reflects your interpretation of Oates' essay. Utilize the provided resources to understand the components of a strong thesis statement and how to construct one effectively.

After you have developed your own thesis statement, feel free to share it here, and someone can help critique your work and provide guidance if needed.