Hi! I'm writing a research paper for my AP English class. My topic is abolishing the British Monarchy. I am trying to prove that the monarchy should be maintained. Does anyone know any good sources of information to help me or any ideas to help me prove my thesis? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!


the sites here should give you some ideas.

Hello there! I understand you're looking for sources and ideas to support your thesis on maintaining the British Monarchy. Research papers often require a variety of sources to provide a well-rounded argument. While I'm unable to provide you with specific sources, I can guide you on how to find them and offer some general suggestions.

1. Online databases and academic journals: Use databases such as JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, or ProQuest to search for scholarly articles related to the British Monarchy. These sources often provide in-depth analysis and expert opinions.

2. Books and eBooks: Look for books discussing the history, functions, and significance of the British Monarchy. Libraries, both physical and digital, offer a wide range of sources from various perspectives.

3. News outlets and opinion pieces: Read articles from reputable news sources that cover discussions on the monarchy. Additionally, opinion pieces or editorials may present contrasting views that can help strengthen your argument.

4. Documentaries and documentaries: Watching documentaries or interviews about the British Monarchy can provide valuable insights and quotes for your paper. YouTube and streaming platforms like Netflix or BBC iPlayer might have relevant content.

5. Academic institutions and think tanks: Visit the websites of universities, think tanks, or research foundations that focus on political science, history, or constitutional studies. They often publish reports, white papers, or policy briefs on topics like the monarchy, which can be beneficial for your research.

Remember to critically evaluate each source you find, considering its credibility, relevance, and potential bias. Take notes, summarize key points, and make connections to support your thesis effectively. Good luck with your research paper!