Are any of these anabolic reactions?

a. making starch from many glucose molecules
b. making proteins from many amino acids
c. making many glucose molecules from many glycogen molecules

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "anabolic reactions" to get these possible sources:

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To determine whether the given reactions are anabolic or not, we need to understand what anabolic reactions are. Anabolic reactions are processes in living organisms that build complex molecules from simpler ones, requiring energy input.

a. Making starch from many glucose molecules: This reaction involves linking glucose molecules together to form a complex carbohydrate called starch. Since this process builds a more complex molecule from simpler ones, it is an anabolic reaction.

b. Making proteins from many amino acids: This reaction involves linking amino acids together to form a protein chain. It requires energy input and is a classic example of an anabolic reaction.

c. Making many glucose molecules from many glycogen molecules: This reaction involves breaking down glycogen molecules into individual glucose units. Since it involves the breakdown of a complex molecule into simpler ones, it is a catabolic reaction, not an anabolic reaction.

Overall, reactions (a) and (b) are anabolic reactions, while reaction (c) is a catabolic reaction.