Each exterior angle of a regular polygon is 15 degrees.

1.Determine the number of sides of the polygon.

2.What is the sum of the interior angles?

if the exterior angle is 15, then the interor angle is 165.

solve for n.

I need help to study for my "The Giver" test tomorrow

Sure! I can help you study for your test on "The Giver." Here are a few tips to effectively study for your test:

1. Read and review the book: Start by reading and reviewing the entire book. Take notes as you read, paying attention to key themes, characters, plot points, and significant events. This will help you have a solid understanding of the story.

2. Use study guides: Look for study guides or summaries of "The Giver" online or in bookstores. These guides often provide chapter summaries, character analyses, and important quotes, which can be helpful for reviewing the major concepts and themes of the book.

3. Create flashcards: Make flashcards with key terms, characters, and plot details. Use the front of the flashcard to write the term or question, and use the back to write the corresponding definition or answer. Review these flashcards regularly to reinforce your memory.

4. Take practice quizzes: Many websites offer practice quizzes or sample questions about "The Giver." Take advantage of these resources to test your knowledge and identify areas where you might need more review.

5. Discuss the book with others: Engage in discussions with classmates, friends, or teachers about the book. Talking about the story and its themes can help deepen your understanding and provide different perspectives on the events and characters.

6. Write a summary essay: Summarize the main events and themes of the book by writing a short essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you have a good grasp of the material.

7. Re-read important chapters or passages: If there are specific chapters or passages that you feel unsure about, take the time to re-read them. This will reinforce your understanding and help you remember important details.

8. Take breaks and exercise: It's important to give yourself breaks during your study sessions. Take short breaks to rest your mind and recharge, and make sure to incorporate physical activity into your study routine. Exercise has been shown to improve memory and cognitive function.

Remember to relax and take deep breaths before and during the test. Trust in your preparation, and try not to stress too much. Good luck on your test!

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Sorry but I really don't know and i want someone to answer the exact question you have exactly written I am so sorry LOL.