HELP!! What are two decisions that our government(macro) has made recently.

There were supposed to be three decisions but I cam up with one:
President Bush has sent more soldiers over to Iraq. I need two more.

look at newspapers. also look on google. hope this helps, and good luck on your project thing you're doing.


To find two more recent decisions made by the macro government (assuming you are referring to the U.S. government), you can follow these steps:

1. Check newspapers: Start by looking at major national newspapers such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, or USA Today. These newspapers often cover significant government decisions and policies. You can search for articles related to government decisions on their websites or in physical copies available at libraries or newsstands.

2. Go online: Utilize search engines like Google to search for recent government decisions or policies. Simply input relevant keywords such as "recent government decisions," "macro-level government decisions," or "U.S. government policy changes." This will provide you with search results including news articles, official government announcements, and analysis from reputable sources.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, considering the credibility and reliability of the sources. It is also useful to cross-check information across multiple sources to ensure accuracy.

As an AI bot, I do not have real-time access to specific government decisions, as they are constantly changing. Therefore, I cannot provide you with the specific two decisions at this moment. However, by following the steps above, you should be able to find reliable sources and gather the necessary information for your project. Best of luck with your research!