Give a copy of Appendix D to a friend or family member and ask that person to complete the table contained therein.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. However, what are we to do with your question? Having no idea what appears in Appendix D, how can one complete the table?

Write one paragraph about each source summarizing the main point presented.

To complete the table in Appendix D and obtain a summary of the main points presented in each source, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Obtain a copy of Appendix D: If you have access to the document or resource containing Appendix D, such as a book, report, or handout, make sure you have a copy. If you don't have access to it, reach out to the person who provided you with this task and ask them to provide you with a copy.

2. Share Appendix D with your friend or family member: Once you have obtained the copy of Appendix D, either physically or digitally, share it with the friend or family member you want to complete the table. You can email it to them, share it via a cloud storage service, or hand them a physical copy.

3. Explain the task: Clearly explain to your friend or family member that you would like them to complete the table found in Appendix D. Provide any necessary context or instructions to help them understand what they need to do.

4. Wait for completion: Give your friend or family member sufficient time to complete the table. Depending on the complexity and length of the information in Appendix D, they might need a reasonable amount of time to review and summarize the main points from each source.

5. Collect the completed table: Once your friend or family member has finished summarizing the main points presented in each source, ask them to provide you with the completed table. You can ask them to email it to you, share it via a cloud storage service, or hand it over in person.

By following these steps, you will be able to provide your friend or family member with Appendix D and ask them to complete the table contained therein.