Ricardo wants to cover a 8" by 10" by 5" box with contact paper How many square inches of caontact paper will he need? How much ribbon will he need if the bow itself adds 15"

just do l*W*H 8*10*5 then for the ribbon just add 15 to the solution of 8*10*5 = 450 + 15 = 465 then what ever it is in m. cm. in. mm.

Taylor can you help me?

find the surface area of each side and add them.

2(8x10)+2(8x5)+2(10x5) = 340sq inches of contact paper

the telephone company has 25 computer-controlled switching system. each system handles 700,000 calls an hour. the system works with 95% accuracy. how many calls would not be accurately answer in one day?

Of course! I'm happy to help. To find the amount of contact paper Ricardo will need, you can calculate the surface area of each side of the box and add them together.

The formula to find the surface area of a rectangular box is:
Surface Area = 2*(Length*Width) + 2*(Length*Height) + 2*(Width*Height)

Given that the length is 8 inches, width is 10 inches, and height is 5 inches, let's calculate the surface area.

Surface Area = 2*(8*10) + 2*(8*5) + 2*(10*5)
Surface Area = 2*(80) + 2*(40) + 2*(50)
Surface Area = 160 + 80 + 100
Surface Area = 340 square inches

Therefore, Ricardo will need 340 square inches of contact paper to cover the box.

Now, let's move on to calculating the amount of ribbon Ricardo will need. You mentioned that the bow itself adds 15 inches, so we need to add this to the previous calculation.

Ribbon Length = Surface Area of the Box + Length of Bow
Ribbon Length = 340 square inches + 15 inches
Ribbon Length = 355 inches

So, Ricardo will need 355 inches of ribbon to cover the box with a bow.

If you want to convert these measurements to different units, please let me know which unit you would like to convert to (e.g., meters, centimeters, inches, millimeters), and I'll be happy to assist you further.

Sure, I can help you with that.

To find the amount of contact paper needed, you need to calculate the surface area of each side of the box and add them together. The formula for the surface area of a rectangular box is:

Surface Area = 2(length x width) + 2(length x height) + 2(width x height)

Given the dimensions of the box - length (L) = 8 inches, width (W) = 10 inches, and height (H) = 5 inches - we can substitute these values into the formula:

Surface Area = 2(8 x 10) + 2(8 x 5) + 2(10 x 5)
(surface area of the bottom and top) + (surface area of the front and back) + (surface area of the sides)

Surface Area = 160 + 80 + 100
Surface Area = 340 square inches

Therefore, Ricardo will need 340 square inches of contact paper to cover the entire box.

Now, let's move on to the ribbon. You mentioned that the bow itself adds 15 inches. If you want to calculate the total length of ribbon needed, you can simply add the 15 inches to the solution we found earlier:

Total Length of Ribbon = Surface Area + Bow Length
Total Length of Ribbon = 340 + 15
Total Length of Ribbon = 355 inches

So, Ricardo will need a total of 355 inches of ribbon if the bow itself adds 15 inches.