Where can i find the quanity measured by each of of the seven SI base units and the SI symbol of the unit.



To find the quantity measured by each of the seven SI base units and their respective SI symbols, you can refer to various reliable sources, including textbooks, scientific reference materials, or online resources.

One such online resource that provides this information is the Chemistry Department website of the Free University of Berlin. They have a page specifically dedicated to the SI base units, their quantities, and SI symbols.

You can access the page by visiting the following URL:

On this page, you will find the seven SI base units along with their quantities and symbols. The units covered include the meter (length), kilogram (mass), second (time), ampere (electric current), kelvin (temperature), mole (amount of substance), and candela (luminous intensity).

By going through this resource, you will obtain the information you are seeking about the quantities measured by each of the seven SI base units and their corresponding SI symbols.