How do i calculate how much time it takes to heat water?

All I know is the power supplied and the energy required.


power= energy/time
Power*time= energy

you know the energy, you know the power, solve for time.

time(in seconds)= energyinjoules/powerinwatts.

so if the energy is 17640000J and the power is 156w it should take 113076 seconds

Thanks alot

If a 12V battery supplies a 13A current how do I work out the Power supplied

To calculate the power supplied, you can use the formula:

Power (P) = Voltage (V) * Current (I)

In your case, you mentioned that the battery supplies a voltage of 12V and a current of 13A. Applying these values to the formula:

Power = 12V * 13A
Power = 156W

Therefore, the power supplied by the battery is 156 watts.