How do I begin a Journal for a homework assignment on Subordinate Group Member? I need help with knowing how to start my Jounal, so can someone help me please?

To what group is the member a subordinate? What is the purpose of the journal?

If you are still living with your family of orientation, you can consider yourself as a subordinate in that group. The student is also a subordinate within the classroom, and an employee is a subordinate on the job.

Whatever the group, how does the subordinate feel about his/her status? Does the subordinate believe that the rights/privileges are balanced by the duties/ responsibilities within the group?

I hope this helps to give you a start. Thanks for asking.

To begin your journal on a subordinate group member for your homework assignment, follow these steps:

1. Start by clearly identifying the specific subordinate group member you will be examining. This could be either yourself or someone else, depending on the instructions given.

2. Clearly state the group to which the member is a subordinate. This could be a family, a classroom, a workplace, or any other social group.

3. Define the purpose of your journal. Are you exploring the feelings and experiences of the subordinate member? Are you analyzing the power dynamics within the group? Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve with your journal.

4. Conduct research or gather information about the chosen subordinate group member. If it is yourself, reflect on your personal experiences and observations. If it is someone else, consider conducting an interview or finding relevant articles and books.

5. Begin your journal by introducing the subordinate group member and providing some background information about the group they belong to. This could include the group's structure, hierarchical relationships, and any relevant contextual information.

6. Offer a summary of how the subordinate member feels about their status within the group. Do they feel oppressed, undervalued, or limited in their rights and opportunities? Or do they find satisfaction, support, and fairness within the group? Use both personal experiences and researched information to support your observations.

7. Discuss whether the subordinate member believes that the rights and privileges within the group are balanced by their duties and responsibilities. Are they content with the trade-offs or do they perceive an imbalance? Again, support your analysis with relevant examples or references.

8. Reflect on any personal insights or lessons you have gained from examining the experiences of the subordinate group member. This can include your own thoughts and perspectives on power dynamics, equality, and social justice within the group.

Remember, this is just a general approach to starting your journal. It's essential to also follow any specific guidelines or prompts provided by your instructor. Good luck with your assignment!