Is the following sentence true or false?

To decide wheather a measurement has good precision or poor precision, the measurement must be made more than once.

thanks in advance

True. I hate T/F statements that have "must be". Life is full of exceptions to always, and must be. But the statement above is more true than false, because of the "must be" statement.

To determine whether a measurement has good precision or poor precision, it is necessary to perform the measurement more than once. This is because precision is a measure of the agreement or consistency between multiple measurements of the same quantity. By obtaining repeated measurements under similar conditions, you can assess how closely the results cluster around each other. If the measurements are close together or have a small range of values, it indicates good precision. Conversely, if the measurements vary widely or have a large range of values, it indicates poor precision.

By making multiple measurements, you can calculate statistical measures such as the standard deviation or the coefficient of variation, which quantify the level of precision in the measurements. These statistical measures provide objective indicators of the spread or dispersion of the data points, helping you evaluate whether the precision is good or poor.

It is important to note that other factors, such as accuracy and systematic errors, can also impact the reliability of a measurement. However, when specifically assessing precision, performing the measurement more than once is a fundamental step in the process.