This is my last big french assignment before the exam but I need help translating the essay prompt:

Dans toute societe il y a des gens et des entreprises qui vendent principalement des services au lieu de vendre des produits. Analysez une ou deux semaines typiques dans votre vie pour souligner les gens et les entreprises a qui vous payez directement(un chauffer de taxi, par example) ou indirectement(un banquier, par exemple) des services. Apres cette analyse, decrivez une semaine imaginaire sans ces gens et sans ces entreprises. Finalement, torez(draw) une conclusion de ces deux analyses.

In all of society there are some people and businesses that sell principally services instead of selling products. Analyze one or two typical weeks in your life to underline the people and businesses to which you pay directly (a taxi driver, for example) or indirectly (a banker, for example) for services. After this analysis, describe an imaginary week without these people and without these businesses. Finally, draw a conclusion of these two analyses.

To help you translate the essay prompt, here is a breakdown of each section:

1. Translation of the first sentence: "Dans toute société il y a des gens et des entreprises qui vendent principalement des services au lieu de vendre des produits."
Translation: "In every society, there are people and businesses that mainly sell services instead of selling products."

2. Translation of the second sentence: "Analysez une ou deux semaines typiques dans votre vie pour souligner les gens et les entreprises à qui vous payez directement (un chauffeur de taxi, par exemple) ou indirectement (un banquier, par exemple) des services."
Translation: "Analyze one or two typical weeks in your life to highlight the people and businesses to whom you directly pay (a taxi driver, for example) or indirectly pay (a banker, for example) for services."

3. Translation of the third sentence: "Après cette analyse, décrivez une semaine imaginaire sans ces gens et sans ces entreprises."
Translation: "After this analysis, describe an imaginary week without these people and without these businesses."

4. Translation of the fourth sentence: "Finalement, tordez (draw) une conclusion de ces deux analyses."
Translation: "Finally, draw a conclusion from these two analyses."

Putting it all together, the translated essay prompt would be:
"In every society, there are people and businesses that mainly sell services instead of selling products. Analyze one or two typical weeks in your life to highlight the people and businesses to whom you directly pay (a taxi driver, for example) or indirectly pay (a banker, for example) for services. After this analysis, describe an imaginary week without these people and without these businesses. Finally, draw a conclusion from these two analyses."

Now that you have the translated essay prompt, you can proceed with your assignment.