What are relationships between deforestation and wildlife extinction?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. With deforestation the animals lose their habitat. Here is an interesting site:


Here is a good site on deforestation:

This is especially important in the rainforests:

tell me about Deforestation on animals

The relationship between deforestation and wildlife extinction is closely intertwined. Deforestation refers to the clearing or removal of forests or trees from a particular area, typically for human activities such as agriculture, logging, or urbanization. When forests are cleared, the natural habitats of various wildlife species are destroyed, leading to a loss of biodiversity and ultimately increasing the risk of wildlife extinction.

Here's how the relationship between deforestation and wildlife extinction works:

1. Habitat Loss: Forests provide a diverse range of habitats for different species of plants and animals. They offer food, shelter, and protection for countless wildlife species. When forests are cleared, these habitats are destroyed, leaving animals without suitable places to live, reproduce, and find food. As a result, many species are forced to migrate to new areas or face competition for limited resources, leading to decreased survival rates.

2. Disruption of Food Chains: Forests play a crucial role in maintaining complex food chains and ecosystems. When trees are cut down, the food sources for many wildlife species vanish, causing disruptions in the food chain. As a result, the populations of some animals may decline due to food shortages, while others may increase unnaturally, leading to imbalances in ecosystems.

3. Fragmentation and Isolation: Deforestation often leads to the fragmentation of once continuous forest ecosystems into smaller, isolated patches. This fragmentation can isolate wildlife populations, making it more challenging for species to find mates and maintain genetic diversity. As a result, small isolated populations become vulnerable to a variety of threats, including inbreeding, disease, and increased predation, which can ultimately lead to local extinctions.

4. Direct Threats to Wildlife: In addition to habitat loss, deforestation exposes wildlife to direct threats, including hunting, trapping, and poaching. As forests disappear, animals are more easily accessible and targeted by humans for various reasons, such as utilizing their body parts for trade or exploiting them for food. These activities can significantly impact wildlife populations and increase the risk of extinction, particularly for vulnerable or endangered species.

To learn more about the connection between deforestation and wildlife extinction, you can explore the provided websites about deforestation and its impact on animals.