how do you foil 12x squared y cubed?

To foil 12x²y³, we need to multiply all the terms together. The term "foiling" is typically used when multiplying binomials, but in this case, there is only one term. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the expression: 12x²y³.
2. Foil stands for "First, Outer, Inner, Last," so we will treat this as a product of four terms: (12)(x²)(y³).
3. Multiply the coefficients (numbers) together: 12.
4. Multiply the variables with the same base (x) together: x².
5. Multiply the variables with the same base (y) together: y³.
6. Combine all the products: 12x²y³.

Therefore, the product of 12x²y³ is simply 12x²y³.