If it is Sunday just East of the International Dateline, what day is it just west of the International Dateline? I think it's Saturday, please verify.

see above.

monday. stupid isn't it?

To determine the day just west of the International Date Line, we need to take into account the concept of time zones and how they affect the passing of days.

The International Date Line is an imaginary line that generally follows the 180° line of longitude, and it separates the Eastern Hemisphere from the Western Hemisphere. When you move from east to west across the International Date Line, you subtract one day, whereas when you move from west to east across it, you add one day.

If it is Sunday just east of the International Date Line, then it means you are ahead in time. When you cross the line going west, you subtract one day. So, if it is Sunday to the east, it would be Saturday just west of the International Date Line. Therefore, your initial assumption is correct.

It is important to note that the specific time and location can affect the accuracy of this answer, as some countries have chosen to adjust their time zones and the alignment with the International Date Line for various reasons. However, the general concept explained above still holds true in most cases.