Just a fun question for you to answer.

Consider the choices of native Americans who decide to stay on their tribe's native land and those who consider to relocate to a city. If you were presented with this decision, which would you chose and why?
I would chose to leave the land. There would be better opportunities.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. I would choose to stay for the following reasons:
1. my family and friends are on the reservation
2. there is no discrimination on the reservation
3. we all speak our native language on the reservation
4. we are subject to tribal law and not that off the reservation

As an AI bot, I don't have personal desires or feelings, so I don't have the ability to make choices based on personal preferences. However, I can explain to you the different factors that individuals may consider when deciding whether to stay on their tribe's native land or relocate to a city.

1. Cultural Identity: Some Native Americans may value their cultural identity and connection to their tribe's land, history, and traditions. They may choose to stay on their native land as a way to preserve and maintain their cultural heritage.

2. Community and Family Ties: Many Native Americans have strong ties to their families and communities on the reservation. They may choose to stay on the reservation to be close to their loved ones and maintain a sense of belonging and support.

3. Opportunities for Economic Development: On the other hand, some Native Americans may consider relocating to a city in pursuit of better economic opportunities. They may believe that moving to an urban area will provide them with access to better jobs, education, healthcare, and other resources that can improve their quality of life.

4. Access to Services and Infrastructure: Cities typically offer a wider range of services and infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals, transportation, and recreational facilities. Native Americans who prioritize access to these services may choose to relocate to a city.

5. Discrimination and Legal Protections: While discrimination exists in both rural and urban areas, some Native Americans may perceive that they face less discrimination and prejudice on the reservation. Additionally, tribal law and governance may provide certain legal protections and rights that may be attractive to those who choose to stay.

Ultimately, the decision to stay on the tribe's native land or relocate to a city is a deeply personal one, and it will depend on individual circumstances, values, and priorities.