In the Book, "the English patient".What can you deduce from the novel about Hana's relationship with her father? Has her father's death, and the manner of it, caused her to retreat from the war and devote herself to the English patient? What influence do her feelings for her father have upon her relationship with Caravaggio?

To deduce information about Hana's relationship with her father in the novel "The English Patient," you can start by analyzing the text itself. Look for direct references to Hana's interactions with her father, their conversations, and any significant events or memories related to their relationship.

Furthermore, pay attention to the way Hana talks about her father and the emotions she expresses when discussing him. These insights can provide valuable clues to the nature of their relationship.

Once you have gathered information related to Hana's relationship with her father, you can explore how her father's death and the manner of it have influenced her actions and mindset during the war. Examine passages or conversations in the book that shed light on Hana's reaction to her father's demise and evaluate if it affected her decision to focus on caring for the English patient.

Additionally, consider how Hana's feelings for her father may impact her relationship with Caravaggio. Look for parallels or contrasts between her interactions with her father and her interactions with Caravaggio. Does she seek qualities in Caravaggio that are similar to those she had with her father, or does her relationship with Caravaggio serve as a coping mechanism for dealing with her loss?

By closely analyzing the text and gathering evidence from the book, you can draw conclusions about Hana's relationship with her father, the impact of his death on her dedication to the English patient, and how her feelings for her father might shape her relationship with Caravaggio. Remember to consider the author's intended messages and themes to gain a deeper understanding of the characters and their motivations.