
rousseau's beleives that man is good by nature. do you disagree and agree?

i said disagree because i beleive that man is a creature of thought and the concepts of good and evil will be regardless because people can twist others into thinking in ay way they want.

i want to raise my hand in class tomorrow so is this good. does it even make sense.

what do you think about rousseau? Agree or disagree

I don't know whether to agree or disagree since it's been a while since I've read Rousseau. About the only thing I can recall is his quote "Man is born free and is everywhere in chains." I think that's from the Social Contract. I think one of his other famous quotes is to the affect 'man is the noble savage'. I'm not positive about the second quote.
I also know he's a political philosopher, so I doubt his beliefs about human nature can be summed up in one sentence. I see there are online versions of his Social Contract so you should have no trouble finding summaries of it with a google search.
My only real advice here is not to raise your hand unless you know more than just a quote or two.



not sure..... but i think your answer might work!

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide you with information on how to evaluate Rousseau's beliefs about human nature.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a philosopher who believed that humans are inherently good by nature. However, it's worth noting that his philosophy on this topic is complex and can't be fully captured in a simple agree/disagree answer.

To evaluate Rousseau's beliefs, it's important to study his works, such as "Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men" and "The Social Contract." These works delve into his ideas about human nature, society, and the potential corruption of individuals by societal structures.

To form your own opinion on Rousseau's beliefs, I recommend reading these primary sources or consulting secondary sources that analyze and discuss his ideas. This will provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of his thoughts and allow you to make an informed judgment.

Regarding your question about raising your hand in class, it is subjective and depends on the context. Raising your hand is generally seen as a respectful and active way to participate in a classroom setting. However, it's important to consider the specific rules and expectations of your class, as well as the relevance and appropriateness of your comment or question.