Is this the answear to 36x^2 y^4 a^-2

72a x^-1 y

^ means power

Answear 1
2 a^3 x^3 y^3 If this is not the answear then i don't know what to do.

No. You didn't change signs of the exponents when you move X^-1 from bottom to top. Same thing for the y.

Close, but now you have the x and y terms in the wrong place or they have the wrong signs. Try again.

Sorry for the confusion. Let me correct your answer using the correct signs and placements:

36x^2 y^4 a^-2 / 72a x^-1 y

First, let's simplify the numbers:
36/72 = 1/2

Now let's simplify the variables:
x^2 / x^-1 = x^(2 - (-1)) = x^3
y^4 / y = y^(4 - 1) = y^3
a^-2 = 1/a^2

Combining everything, the answer is:
(1/2) * (x^3 * y^3) * (1/a^2)

So the final answer is:
(1/2) * (x^3 * y^3) * (1/a^2)

To simplify the expression (36x^2y^4a^-2) / (72ax^-1y), you can start by simplifying the coefficients:

36 / 72 simplifies to 1 / 2.

Next, let's simplify the variable terms:

x^2 / x^-1 is equivalent to x^(2 - (-1)), which simplifies to x^3.

Similarly, y^4 / y is equivalent to y^(4 - 1), which simplifies to y^3.

Finally, a^-2 / a is equivalent to a^(-2 - 1), which simplifies to a^-3.

Putting it all together, the simplified expression is:

(1 / 2) * x^3 * y^3 * a^-3.

So, the answer to (36x^2y^4a^-2) / (72ax^-1y) is (1 / 2) * x^3 * y^3 * a^-3.

To solve the expression (36x^2 y^4 a^-2) / (72a x^-1 y), we can simplify step by step. Let's go through the process together.

Step 1: Simplify the denominator:
The denominator, 72a x^-1 y, can be simplified to 72a / (x^1 * y^1). Since x^-1 means 1/x^1 and y^1 means y, we have 72a / (x * y).

Step 2: Combine similar terms:
Now, we have (36x^2 y^4 a^-2) / (72a / (x * y)). We can simplify further by multiplying the numerator and denominator by x * y to get rid of the fraction in the denominator.

Multiplying the numerator by x * y, we get: (36x^2 y^4 a^-2 * x * y) / (72a)

Step 3: Simplify the numerator further:
The numerator, 36x^2 y^4 a^-2 * x * y, can be simplified by multiplying the variables and adding the exponents accordingly.

36 * x^2 * x * y^4 * y * a^-2 = 36x^3 y^5 a^-2

Step 4: Substitute the simplified numerator and denominator back into the expression:
Now, we have (36x^3 y^5 a^-2) / (72a).

Step 5: Simplify the expression further:
To simplify the expression, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor. In this case, the common factor is 36.

Dividing the numerator and denominator by 36, we get: (x^3 y^5 a^-2) / (2a)

Therefore, the simplified expression is (x^3 y^5 a^-2) / (2a).

As you can see, the correct answer is different from the one you provided. Always be careful when dealing with exponents and double-check your calculations to ensure accuracy.