a) Identify two express powers of the president

b) what are the express powers of the Vice Presiden?
c)Identify two express powers of Congree.

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In addition to your textbook and a copy of the US Constitution, here are some websites that should help you:






a) Two express powers of the president are the power to veto legislation and the power to appoint federal judges.

To find the answer, I would first refer to the US Constitution, Article II, Section 2, which states that the president has the power to appoint federal judges with the consent of the Senate. This is an express power granted to the president by the Constitution.

To identify the power of veto, I would refer to the US Constitution, Article I, Section 7, which explains the legislative process and states that if the president disapproves a bill passed by both houses of Congress, they can veto it. This is another express power of the president.

b)The express powers of the Vice President are not explicitly outlined in the US Constitution. However, the Vice President's main constitutional duty is to serve as the President of the Senate and cast the deciding vote in case of a tie. This is an express power granted to the Vice President by the Constitution.

c) Two express powers of Congress are the power to tax and the power to declare war.

To find the answer, I would refer to the US Constitution, specifically Article I, Section 8, which provides a list of enumerated powers granted to Congress. Among those powers, it explicitly states that Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes. This is an express power of Congress.

Additionally, the Constitution grants Congress the power to declare war in Article I, Section 8. This power gives Congress the authority to determine if the nation should engage in armed conflict.

Please note that while these answers are based on my understanding, it is always important to consult reliable sources such as the US Constitution itself to ensure accuracy.