HELP PLEASE! I am taking my college placement test tomorrow and am working on the sample test now. I need help with this question about Rational Expressions...

For all r (<INSERT>is not equal to sign)+ or - 2

r(squared) - 5r+6
(All Over)
r(squared)- 4

I know the answer is r-3/r+2, but I do not know the steps to use to get the answer.

First let me rewrite that in a way I recognize

r^2 - 5r + 6
r^2 -4

Both the numerator and denominator can be factored to give

The r-2 terms can be cancelled to give

The bit about r not being allowed to be = or -2 is because that would put a zero in the denominator, making the fraction be "indeterminate" or without meaning. For any other r, (r-3)/(r+2) is the answer.

Thank you for your help it is greatly appreciated :)


The Square root of 98?

need more help. need to see more problams about rationals.

need more help. need to see more problams about rationals.

--- --
bc ac

To simplify the rational expression (17a + 5b) / (bc * ac), we can start by factoring out common factors from the numerator and the denominator.

In the numerator, we can see that 17a and 5b do not have any common factors to be factored out. So, the numerator remains as it is.

In the denominator, we have bc and ac. Let's look for any common factors. We can see that both terms have a factor of c. We can also rewrite ac as c * a. So, the denominator becomes c * b * c * a, which can be written as c^2 * ab.

Now, we have:

(17a + 5b) / (bc * ac) = (17a + 5b) / (c^2 * ab)

That's the simplified form of the rational expression (17a + 5b) / (bc * ac).

Let me know if you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can help you with!