Examine the picture which Portuguese technical logical invention that allowed for European expansion into Africa and America is shown

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based model, I don't have the capability to examine or interpret images. However, I can provide information about Portuguese technological inventions that enabled European expansion into Africa and America.

One of the Portuguese technological inventions that significantly facilitated their expansion into Africa and America was the caravel. The caravel was a small, fast, and highly maneuverable ship that evolved from the earlier ships used during the Age of Discovery. It was designed to sail both against the wind and with the wind, which enabled Portuguese explorers to navigate more effectively, explore unknown coastlines, and undertake long sea voyages.

The caravels had a combination of lateen and square sails, allowing them to sail close to the wind while maintaining balance and speed. This technological advancement made it possible for the Portuguese to explore the West African coast more extensively, reaching regions that had previously been inaccessible. This ultimately led to the establishment of trading posts, such as the Cape Verde Islands, Sao Tome, and others.

Later, the Portuguese further refined their maritime technology with the introduction of the caravel-felucca, a hybrid ship combining the maneuverability of the caravel with the cargo-carrying capacity of the larger carracks. These advancements in shipbuilding technology allowed Portugal to become a dominant naval power during the Age of Discovery and played a significant role in their expansion into Africa and America.