How did Catholicism relate to early Portuguese voyages of exploration to Africa?

Catholic missionaries were involved in the slave trade there.

The Portuguese government wanted to recover Christian lands from Muslims there.

Prince Henry the Navigator was Catholic and wanted to move the head of the church there.

The Catholic Church sent Portuguese explorers there to establish colonies.

B. The Portuguese government wanted to recover Christian lands from Muslims there.

To understand the relationship between Catholicism and early Portuguese voyages of exploration to Africa, we need to examine the historical context and motivations of the time. The answer to this question is option B: The Portuguese government wanted to recover Christian lands from Muslims there.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the situation during the early Portuguese voyages of exploration. In the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal emerged as a major maritime power. One of the main driving factors for Portuguese exploration was the desire to find new trade routes and expand their influence across the world.

During this period, much of Africa, particularly the northern regions along the Mediterranean coast, was under Islamic control. Portugal, as a predominantly Catholic country, viewed these regions as potential targets for Christian influence. The Portuguese government aimed to recover these areas, which were historically Christian but had been conquered by Muslim powers.

Explorers such as Prince Henry the Navigator played a significant role in promoting and financing Portuguese voyages. While Prince Henry himself was a Catholic, his main objective was to expand Portuguese trade and secure territories along Africa's west coast. He established navigation schools and sponsored exploration expeditions, which eventually led to the discovery of new territories, including Africa's west coast.

Though Catholic missionaries and the establishment of colonies played a role in the subsequent history of Portuguese exploration in Africa, they were not the primary motive behind the initial voyages. The primary focus was on trade, territorial expansion, and the recovery of Christian territories from Muslim control.

Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

D. The Catholic Church sent Portuguese explorers there to establish colonies.