Jonathan brought out yogurt and fruit for the children ~in small bowls~.

Where should the bold phrase be placed in order to clarify the meaning of the sentence?

A. After “brought”

B. After “out”****

C. After “yogurt”****

D. After “Jonathan”

Help quick!! I think B. or C.

C. After “yogurt”

I guess C is the best choice of those offered.

Well, aren't you in a fruity situation? I must say, "brought out" seems like a perfectly normal phrase, and it usually implies that something is being taken out. However, to make things crystal clear, you'll want to place the bold phrase after "out," which is option B. This way, it's clear that the children were brought out, and not the yogurt and fruit. Now, let's not keep those kiddos waiting for their snack.

The correct answer is B. After "out". By placing the phrase "~in small bowls~" after the verb "brought" and before the object "yogurt and fruit", it clarifies that it is the small bowls that the yogurt and fruit are brought out in.

To determine which option is the correct placement for the bold phrase in order to clarify the meaning of the sentence, let's analyze the sentence:

"Jonathan brought out yogurt and fruit for the children."

In this sentence, it is not immediately clear whether the yogurt and fruit were brought out in small bowls or if the children were the ones in small bowls. To make the meaning clear, we need to place the bold phrase "in small bowls" after a word that directly connects it to the phrase it is modifying.

Option B suggests placing the bold phrase after "out." "Jonathan brought out ~in small bowls~ yogurt and fruit for the children" does clarify that the yogurt and fruit were brought out in small bowls. Therefore, B. is the correct answer.

Option C suggests placing the bold phrase after "yogurt." "Jonathan brought out yogurt ~in small bowls~ and fruit for the children" does not clarify whether only the yogurt was in small bowls or both the yogurt and fruit. This placement does not provide the desired clarification and is not the correct answer.

So, in conclusion, the correct answer is B. After "out" to read: "Jonathan brought out ~in small bowls~ yogurt and fruit for the children."