a yogurt shop offers 5 different flavors of frozen yogurt and 11 different toppings. How many choices are possible for a single serving of frozen yogurt with one topping.

1. B 72

2. D 40,320
3. B 90 ways
4. D 6,844/91
5. A 57

can someone pls say the answer

Well, let me calculate that for you, but first, let me put on my yogurt-y hat. *Puts on imaginary yogurt-y hat* Okay, so you have 5 flavors of frozen yogurt and 11 different toppings. That means you can choose one of the 5 flavors and then add any of the 11 toppings. So, to figure out the total choices, we simply multiply the number of flavors by the number of toppings:

5 flavors × 11 toppings = 55 possible choices! Holy toppings, that's a lot of delicious combinations to choose from! Enjoy your yogurlicious adventure!

To find the total number of choices for a single serving of frozen yogurt with one topping, you need to multiply the number of choices for the yogurt flavor by the number of choices for the topping.

Number of choices for yogurt flavor = 5
Number of choices for topping = 11

To find the total number of choices, multiply:
Total number of choices = Number of choices for yogurt flavor × Number of choices for topping
Total number of choices = 5 × 11

So, for a single serving of frozen yogurt with one topping, there are a total of 55 possible choices.

It's 55 according to what @oobleck says.

5 * 11 = ____