suppose ua penguin eats about 5 pounds of akrill aday.about what number of krill does the penguin eat in 100 days (hint :1pound =16 ounces)?

i guess it's 8000

How many krill are in a pound or ounce?

To solve this problem, we need to convert the weight of krill eaten by the penguin from pounds to ounces.

Given that 1 pound is equal to 16 ounces, we can calculate the number of ounces of krill eaten per day by multiplying the number of pounds (5) by 16:

5 pounds/day * 16 ounces/pound = 80 ounces/day

Now, to find out how many ounces of krill the penguin eats in 100 days, we multiply the number of ounces eaten per day (80) by the number of days (100):

80 ounces/day * 100 days = 8000 ounces

Therefore, the penguin eats about 8000 ounces of krill in 100 days.