Lukas eats 1,500 pounds of food in a year. He wants to keep his added sugars down to 9% of his total intake. Find the number of pounds of added sugar he could eat in a year at that rate.(1 point)


24 lb.
24 lb.

135 lb.
135 lb.

167 lb.
167 lb.

600 lb.

To find the number of pounds of added sugar Lukas could eat in a year at a rate of 9% of his total intake, we need to calculate 9% of 1,500 pounds.

9% of 1,500 pounds = (9/100) * 1,500 pounds = 135 pounds.

Therefore, Lukas could eat 135 pounds of added sugar in a year.

To find the number of pounds of added sugar Lukas could eat in a year, we need to calculate 9% of his total food intake.

First, we need to convert 1,500 pounds to a percentage. Since the total food intake is 100%, we can set up a proportion:

1,500 pounds = 100%
x pounds (added sugar) = 9%

We can cross multiply to solve for x:

1,500 * 9% = x * 100%
x = (1,500 * 9) / 100
x = 135

Therefore, Lukas could eat 135 pounds of added sugar in a year.

To find the number of pounds of added sugar Lukas could eat in a year, we first need to calculate 9% of his total food intake.

Step 1: Calculate 9% of 1,500 pounds.
To calculate a percentage, we multiply the total by the percentage as a decimal (9% = 0.09).
So, 0.09 x 1,500 pounds = 135 pounds.

Therefore, Lukas could eat 135 pounds of added sugar in a year to keep it at 9% of his total intake.

So, the correct answer is 135 lb.