According to the Article, why did the Stronghold Society build skateparks in Manderson and Pine Ridge? The communities of Manderson and Pine Ridge have a high poverty rate, and Stronghold believes that teaching kids new skills, like skateboarding, will create more job opportunities. Stronghold's primary focus is on the safety of kids in Manderson and Pine Ridge, and it feels that skateparks are the safest place for kids to practice and master difficult skating tricks. Stronghold's mission is to inspire Lakota youth by providing opportunities within the arts and sports for creative expression, and skateboarding is one way to accomplish this goal. The communities of Manderson and Pine Ridge required state-of-the-art parks to host the Apache Agency Skate Shop skateboard demonstrations.

The Stronghold Society built skateparks in Manderson and Pine Ridge to provide opportunities for Lakota youth to learn new skills, create job opportunities, and have a safe place to practice and master skating tricks. They believe that skateboarding can inspire creative expression and provide a positive outlet for youth in these high poverty communities. Additionally, the skateparks were needed to host skateboard demonstrations for the Apache Agency Skate Shop.