What tools are available to students to help them build / maintain healthy habits (physical, mental, financial, social, etc)?

1. Wellness apps: There are various apps available for students to track their physical activity, mental health, financial goals, and social interactions. Examples include Fitbit for physical activity, Headspace for meditation and mental health, Mint for financial tracking, and Meetup for social connections.

2. Counseling services: Most colleges and universities offer counseling services for students to address mental health concerns and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

3. Fitness centers: Many campuses have fitness centers that offer exercise classes, gym equipment, and personal training services to help students stay physically active.

4. Financial literacy workshops: Some universities offer workshops or resources on financial literacy to help students manage their money, budget effectively, and plan for the future.

5. Student organizations: Joining student organizations related to health and wellness can provide students with a supportive community and opportunities to engage in healthy habits together.

6. Campus events and programs: Colleges often host events, seminars, and programs focused on various aspects of wellness, such as stress management, nutrition, and relationship building.

7. Online resources: There are numerous websites and online resources that provide tips, information, and tools for students to build and maintain healthy habits in all areas of their lives.