What different impacts did Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto have on Europe than it had on other parts of the world? (1 point)

• The "bourgeoisie" was interpreted to be the Western imperializing nations, such as England and the U.S.
• China decided that a slow communist revolution with piecemeal legislation was key, rather than opting for an authoritarian government.
• Russian citizens decided they did not identify with the class warfare mentioned by Karl Marx.
• The Egyptians wanted to establish their own bourgeoisie and built the Suez Canal.

- The impact of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto was felt more strongly in Europe, where socialist movements gained momentum and eventually led to the establishment of communist governments in countries like Russia and Eastern Europe.

- In other parts of the world, such as China, the interpretation of Marxist ideology led to different approaches to revolution and governing, with a focus on gradual reform rather than immediate revolution.
- In Russia, the Communist Manifesto played a role in shaping the communist ideology of the Bolsheviks, leading to the establishment of the Soviet Union.
- In Egypt, the impact of the Communist Manifesto was more limited, with a focus on economic development and building infrastructure rather than class struggle.