Convert 0.18km² to volume

It is not possible to convert area directly into volume as they are different units of measurement. Area is the measure of the amount of space a surface covers, while volume is the measure of the amount of space an object or substance occupies in three dimensions.

If you are looking to convert the area of 0.18 km² into a volume, you would need to provide additional information such as the height or depth of the object in question. Without this information, it is not possible to provide a conversion.

An island is in the shape of a prism with a trapezium-shaped cross-section. (The cross-section is shown in the diagram. Each square on the grid represents an are 100m by 100m.) If the island is 1.2km long, find the approximate volume of above-sea-level land.

To find the volume of the above-sea-level land on the island, we need to calculate the volume of the prism formed by the trapezium-shaped cross-section.

First, we need to find the height of the prism. From the diagram, the height of the trapezium-shaped cross-section is 5 squares, so the height is 5 * 100m = 500m.

Next, we need to find the area of the trapezium-shaped cross-section. The area of a trapezium is calculated using the formula: Area = (a + b) * h / 2,
where a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides of the trapezium and h is the height of the trapezium.

From the diagram, the lengths of the parallel sides of the trapezium are 2 squares and 5 squares, so a = 2 * 100m = 200m and b = 5 * 100m = 500m.

Plugging these values into the formula, we get:
Area = (200 + 500) * 500 / 2 = 350,000 m²

Now, we can calculate the volume of the prism:
Volume = Area * length = 350,000 m² * 1.2 km = 350,000 m² * 1200 m = 420,000,000 m³

Therefore, the approximate volume of the above-sea-level land on the island is 420,000,000 cubic meters.