Convert 0.18km² to volume (cube)

To convert from area to volume, we need to know the height (or depth) of the cube.

Assuming you want to convert 0.18 km² to the volume of a cube, we cannot directly convert it as volume is a 3-dimensional measurement. However, if you want to convert it to the volume of a cube with a height of 1 km, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert 0.18 km² to m²:
1 km = 1000 m
0.18 km² = 0.18 * (1000 * 1000) m² = 180,000 m²

2. Since the volume of a cube is calculated as length × width × height, and in this case length = width, we can calculate the side length of the cube:
side length = sqrt(area) = sqrt(180,000 m²) ≈ 424.26 m

3. The volume of the cube with a side length of 424.26 m and a height of 1 km is:
volume = side length × side length × height = 424.26 m × 424.26 m × 1000 m = 180,000,000 m³

Therefore, 0.18 km² is equal to 180,000,000 cubic meters (m³) in volume when considering a cube with a side length of 424.26 m and a height of 1 km.