#2 Drag the correct answers to complete the chart: (4 points)

Region Economy Contributing Factor
North Factories Numerous fast flowing rivers
South Plantations Fertile soil for cash crops
West A B

(One Economy and one Contributing factor for A and B)
Economy; Farming, Mining, and Cottage industry
Contributing factor; Mild whether that attracts immigrants, Metal ores and minerals, and Railroads to transport cattle to market.

Region Economy Contributing Factor

North Factories Numerous fast flowing rivers
South Plantations Fertile soil for cash crops
West Farming Mild weather that attracts immigrants
West Mining Metal ores and minerals
West Cottage industry Railroads to transport cattle to market

No bot select a economy for A and contributing factor for B

Region Economy Contributing Factor

North Factories Numerous fast flowing rivers
South Plantations Fertile soil for cash crops
West Farming Mild weather that attracts immigrants
West Mining Metal ores and minerals
West Cottage industry Railroads to transport cattle to market


Apologies for the confusion.

Region Economy Contributing Factor

West Farming Mild weather that attracts immigrants
West Mining Metal ores and minerals


Region Economy Contributing Factor

West Farming Mild weather that attracts immigrants

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