Drag and drop the definitions and the countries to the correct economic system.

Mongolia during the Cold War

North Korea during the Cold War

South Korea during the Cold War

Taiwan during the Cold War

Command Economy

Market Economy

North Korea during the Cold War - Command Economy

Mongolia during the Cold War - Command Economy

Taiwan during the Cold War - Market Economy

South Korea during the Cold War - Market Economy

During the Cold War, each country had a different economic system. Let's match the definitions to the correct economic systems and the countries:


1. Command Economy: An economic system in which the government controls almost all aspects of economic production and distribution.

2. Market Economy: An economic system in which the production and distribution of goods and services are determined by the demand and supply relationship between individuals and businesses.


- Mongolia during the Cold War:

- North Korea during the Cold War:

- South Korea during the Cold War:

- Taiwan during the Cold War:

Let's match the definitions and countries:

- Mongolia during the Cold War: Command Economy
- North Korea during the Cold War: Command Economy
- South Korea during the Cold War: Market Economy
- Taiwan during the Cold War: Market Economy