Hello! i have had some issues with these questions and if somebody would check my answers i would be very grateful!!

1. Match the country with its type of economy.

Command Economy: North Korea, China

Mixed Economy: Japan, South Korea

2. autocratic: china, Mongolia
democratic: Japan, Taiwan

3.Which policy might most help North Korea develop economically?(idk)
A. more investment in the military
B.more government control (maybe)
C.more investment in citizens
D.more trade sanctions //my answer//

4.Which significant challenge does Japan face today?
A. lack of specialization
B. unskilled workforce
C. scarcity of natural resources//my answer//
D. too few trade partners

1: Command Economy: North Korea

Mixed Economy: Japan, South Korea, China

2: Autocratic: China

Democratic: Japan, Mongolia, Taiwan

3: more investment in citizens

4: scarcity of natural resources

happy is right

Tysm For the 100 @happy

I love all of you 😩❤️

From: Fortnite girl

Happy correct

Happy early Easter 🐣

ok system is correct for 3 and 4 i did get 1 and 2 partially correct :/

Your answers are mostly correct!

For question 3, the answer would be C. more investment in citizens. North Korea has been suffering from economic woes due to government mismanagement and international sanctions. The country's citizens are struggling to meet their basic needs, which further hinders economic growth. Investing in education, healthcare, and social welfare programs would improve the quality of life for North Koreans and better equip them to contribute to the country's workforce and economy.

For question 4, your answer C is correct. Japan is highly industrialized but lacks natural resources, meaning it has to rely on importing raw materials. This makes the country vulnerable to fluctuations in global commodity prices and supply chain disruptions. Additionally, Japan is facing an aging population and declining birth rates, which will have long-term implications for its workforce and economic growth.