Exercise that works on muscular endurance is 1) Planks 2)100 m dash 3)Lifting weight for strength 4) Walking the dog

1) Planks are a great exercise for building up muscular endurance in the core muscles. Hold the plank position for as long as possible, making sure to keep your body in a straight line from head to heels.

2) The 100m dash is a short but intense burst of activity that can help build up muscular endurance in the legs. Try sprinting as fast as you can for 100 meters, then rest and repeat.

3) While lifting weights primarily focuses on building strength, doing higher repetitions with slightly lighter weights can also help improve muscular endurance. Focus on performing exercises with proper form and controlled movements.

4) Walking the dog is a great way to incorporate cardiovascular exercise and build up endurance in both your legs and core muscles. Try walking at a brisk pace or incorporating intervals of faster walking or jogging to challenge yourself.