Use the table to answer the question.

Town Town Actual Distance Between Towns
Bellstown Lewis City 120 km
Bellstown Jenkinsville 40 km
Jenkinsville Lewis City 60 km
Arturo creates a scale drawing showing these distances. If the distance between Lewis City and Bellstown is 6 centimeters on his drawing, how far apart are Lewis City and Jenkinsville on Arturo’s drawing?

(1 point)

0.05 centimeters

3 centimeters

2 centimeters

12 centimeters

To find the distance between Lewis City and Jenkinsville on Arturo's drawing, we need to compare it to the distance between Lewis City and Bellstown, since we know the distance between Bellstown and Jenkinsville.

On the scale drawing, we know that the distance between Lewis City and Bellstown is represented by 6 centimeters. According to the table, the actual distance between Lewis City and Bellstown is 120 km.

So, if 6 centimeters represents 120 km, we can set up a proportion to find out how many centimeters represent the distance between Lewis City and Jenkinsville:

6 centimeters / 120 km = x centimeters / 60 km

Simplifying the proportion:

6/120 = x/60
1/20 = x/60

To solve for x, we cross multiply:

20x = 60
x = 60/20
x = 3 centimeters

Therefore, the distance between Lewis City and Jenkinsville on Arturo's drawing is 3 centimeters.

Use the image to answer the question.

A parallelogram shows the longer side on the top measuring 9 inches and the shorter side on the right measuring 3 inches.

Tiyane makes a scale drawing of the parallelogram. The longer side of the parallelogram is 22.5 inches in her drawing. What is the length of the parallelogram’s shorter side in Tiyane’s scale drawing?

(1 point)

7.5 inches
7.5 inches

0.4 inches
0.4 inches

2.5 inches
2.5 inches

60 inches