The distance between town M and N is 58.6Km. Town Q which is between the two towns is 39.78Km. From town N . How far is Q from N .

The question is ?

sure looks like 39.78km to me

To find the distance between Q and N, we need to subtract the distance between Q and M from the total distance between M and N.

Distance between M and N = 58.6 km
Distance between Q and M = 39.78 km

To find the distance between Q and N, we can use the formula:

Distance between Q and N = Distance between M and N - Distance between Q and M

Substituting the given values into the formula:

Distance between Q and N = 58.6 km - 39.78 km
Distance between Q and N = 18.82 km

Therefore, Q is 18.82 km away from N.

The correct answer is?